Abstract: Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) systems have increasingly been deployed to increase the capacity of optical networks. It is thus desirable to detect and locate faulty nodes to ensure the quality of service of networks. In this work, the main problem is to handle node failure and link failure in optical networks. The other problem is reliability maximization problem in the high failure probability system. To overcome this, it proposes a novel light-path routing algorithm mechanism for handling node failure & link failure in optical networks. It also proposes a mechanism of routing based on prediction to decrease the blocking probability in network. The main focus is on the design of optimized networks in which the rerouting scheme to avoid fault is as simple as possible. In this work, it works on optimal route selection in presence of large no. of faults. The new approach will provide a methodology for the Retracing of Path having good Packets with accuracy. This assessment becomes the power performance booster among the previous workout as it automatically determines the shortest path after path hopping is traced. The network performance is evaluated is terms of blocking probability. The results shows that value of blocking probability is very low (~10-7) and is reduced to zero after some time.

Keywords: Network Routing, Optical Networks, shortest path, Blocking Probability.